
Friday, May 27, 2011

Dashboard Confessional Live in Manila 05.27.10

Chris Carrabba

“Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember.”

It’s been exactly a year since Dashboard Confessional played here in Manila, Philippines. And truth be told, I’m still not over it and I am looking forward for them to come back again. The concert started off with “Don’t Wait” and got everyone in the crowd singing the whole song. Equipped with good looks, a piano, and a rotating line up of guitars, frontman Chris Carraba, together with John Lefler, Scott Schoenbeck and Mike Marsh served up an awesome set with songs in languages of heartbreaks and love stories.  Dashboard Confessional played old and new songs, channeling through nostalgia and romanticism. Chris’ voice really does it especially he hits the high notes on songs like “Remember to Breathe” and “Screaming Infidelities”. John Lefler also showed craftsmanship on both the guitar and piano.   Dashboard Confessional killed it!  To no one's surprise, Chris would let the audience sing large parts of their songs. Crowd participation was impressing as every die-hard fan sang along at the top of their lungs to every song’s heart-on-sleeve lyric at the concert. It was amazing and loud!

Dashboard Confessional played a total of 17 songs for their Filipino fans last May 27, 2010.